More energies…

I finished ( at least I think I did lol) the latest large painting. A mass of energy directed onto the canvas, this one is what it is and the responses to it have been interesting and diverse, which is what all art should evoke. At 40 by 60, with the bold colours and movement, it is not for the weak of heart, or for those who favour more subdued colours or scenes, but I love it…I think…unless I work on it more. Unfortunately, it has been difficult to get a photo that captures the essence of it live as the light tends to play with the layering of glazes and changes the colours and the details.

untitled-View 1 oil on canvas 40/60 knives

untitled-View 1
oil on canvas

Untitled-View 2 Different light Oil on canvas 40/60 Knives

Untitled-View 2
Different light
Oil on canvas

And something that harkens back to the series I have been playing with. This one shows the complimentary yet conflicting energies that sometimes we deal with in our souls.

Energies Oil on Canvas Knives

Oil on Canvas


After a while of different directions (turtles, moose, aboriginal inspired styles), I found myself swinging back to the knives. I had a need to return to bolder, bigger, more movement. There were energies at play, building, waiting to be told in giant stories with broad strokes, energetic slashes and colour, colour and more colour.

Awakenings was the first to emerge, followed by Vertigo, the largest canvas to date that I have worked on, almost as tall as I am. Both of these are going to TAG Art Gallery in St Catherines, along with Ghost Spirit and others.

The last one is untitled to date as it is still a work in progress, but it is pure energy, an explosion of colour. We will see where that one ends up, but channeling energies seems to be where I will be playing for the next while.

Awakenings Oil on Canvas

Oil on Canvas

Vertigo Oil on Canvas

Oil on Canvas

Size perspective-artist and Vertigo

Size perspective-artist and Vertigo

Untitled-Unfinished yet

Untitled-Unfinished yet


I am a firm believer that we as artists are conduits for energies. Sometimes a work will “flow” effortlessly onto the canvas a symbiotic meeting of spirit and media. Other times, there is a battle, a struggle where it seems like energies are at cross purposes. Perhaps, the story being told isn’t the “right” one for the moment, the intuitive spirit is waging an inner war with the logical, what is thought to be the “right” story.

For this painting, I started off with an idea or concept. I have always loved Georgia O’Keefe’s paintings and saw a plate created to represent her work that was stunning, a balance between delicate and powerful. I loved the energy that it had so started off with that in mind. Wrong. Somewhere deep within, my own energies, the place where I am in my psyche, spirit, was at counterpoint to what I thought I wanted to do. I started off in one direction and absolutely hated it. It was not subtle (not that many of my works ever are). It sat there, heavy on the canvas, flat and boring and disappointing.

I looked at it. Left it. Looked at it again. Was tempted to pitch it. But stubborn woman that I am, I was determined to fix the damnable thing. And that was when I let it go-the preconceived notions of what I thought I wanted to achieve, the ideas of what it “should” look like. I pulled out my knives, mixed a crap load (technical term) of colours that I “felt” at that moment, and hit it blind, no direction, no “have to”, no “thinking” or “should”, just “be”, let the energy and where I am take me into the space and place where the energies are just channeled from the soul onto canvas.

I am much happier with the energy of the piece, the flow of colours, contrasts and movements because that is where “I” am. And that is the whole point really sometimes 🙂 Not the best pic as I took it on my phone since the painting is wet, really large and hard to move, but you get the idea I hope.


Have you ever?

There are so many things that I would like to capture on canvas-so many things I would like to try.

Have you ever wanted to paint a full wall? Take a blank slate and just cover it in colour? A huge canvas and just set yourself free and smoosh, and splatter? What about taking the canvas and becoming the implement that paints, use your hands, your feet, your whole body to immerse yourself in the process so that you and the canvas become one.

Have you ever wanted to paint the smell of spring rain? The sound of the loons on the lake as it stills and reflects during the magic hour? The smell of the wood smoke from the sauna-the anticipation of relaxation before the plunge into the chill water that refreshed and rejuvenated the soul? The hush in the forest in winter when giant snowflakes drifting delicately to the ground is the only sound you will hear? The sound of a child’s laughter-the full belly kind that is pure unabashed joy? The feeling you get when you play with little baby toes and fingers? That kiss at the moment where things click and you melt? The warmth of a hug where all you need is the strength of the arms around you? The taste of tears? That deep satisfying moment where you are sitting with someone and not saying a word, and everything is good in the world?

Oh the things left to try.

It Was A Battle!

Once again, the folks at The Museum in KW put on a great event! 26 artists competed in live round painting competition with each artist having 30 minutes to complete a piece. Once done, spectators got to vote on their faves and then bid on pieces to take home. All proceeds go to the artist and The Museum.

Competition was fierce and the crowd truly seemed to enjoy it. At max capacity, over 600 people came to feast their eyes on what the artists came up with. The end products were definitely diverse, with artists using a phenomenal range of techniques and styles.

It’s an interesting process. I got half way through this one, had the water completed, mostly through the forest part and hated the way the colours looked. Checked the clock and with 17 minutes left, took a deep breath and scrapped the whole upper half of the painting. Had to answer a few spectator questions regarding whether or not that was intentionally part of my “process”, and some preferred the forest over the snow capped mountains, but it is what it is and how I felt at the time 🙂

Kudos to The Museum for arranging the event, the artists for participating and all the fans who come out to support the artists and the arts!

A few pics to give you an idea of what we were doing…

Something is happening

Something is happening

Second phase-knife work

Second phase-knife work

Add the forest

Add the forest

Scrap the forest, add some mountains

Scrap the forest, add some mountains

15 minutes left concentration

15 minutes left concentration







The Ice Mountains and Ice Flows

The Ice Mountains and Ice Flows

Do Over….

Every artist has them-those works that never quite make it to where you want them to go. you look at them, and look at them, and hmm. Nope. That is when gesso comes in handy. Although, when you’ve done something textured, you have to be prepared to deal with the impression of the under painting coming through. Sometimes, it works. Other times, not so much. In this case, I kind of like the textured surface from the old work coming through to the new one as it adds another dimension to it. Not my fave medium, as anyone who has been following this journey knows, in this case, the acrylics came in handy.

Poppy Acrylic on Canvas

Acrylic on Canvas

It’s Back…The Museum “The Brush Off” 2015

Once again, The Museum in KW is hosting their annual fundraising, live art at its best painting competition.

On January 24, 26 artists will be competing live, in  four 30 minute, heart pounding, creative testing, eye dazzling rounds. With a live DJ, music pumping, voting fast and furious, original pieces of art immediately going up for auction, I am sure it will once again prove to be a phenomenal event. The caliber and range of artists to delight the sense is outstanding so everyone should find something to bid on and someone to cheer for. So looking forward to being there again! Tickets are on sale now, and they sell out every year, so advance tickets sales are a wise choice. Cash bar. See you on the 24th…now just to decide what/how to paint!

Check out the info below, or go to their web site to buy tickets

The Brush Off | THEMUSEUM// // // //

1 night.
26 artists.
4 rounds.
38 original works.
January 24th 2015

Doors open at 6:30pm, competition begins at 7pm. Admission to Unwrapping Egypt is included in ticket price.


20 artists will compete in 4 rounds of a friendly live-painting competition. Your votes determine who advances each round and eventually wins The Brush Off.


38 original works of art will be produced during the night. Bid on your favourite painting at this fundraiser for THEMUSEUM and bring home a piece of the night.


Revel in the creativity displayed by the artists and maybe even dance to the tunes being blasted over the speakers.

love art

20 artists creating 38 original works and mingling with the local art scene – you’ll be tempted to pick up some paint, a brush, and some canvas on the way home!


$15 per ticket plus tax.
Cash Bar

– See more at:

And I found another moose at 4am…

Apparently, once again, sleep deprivation leads to interesting things. The moose, which was a sketch, and then a sketch on canvas, and then some colours here and there, came full circle at 4 am. There are still some more details and finishing touches, but it appears that this is the direction I am going in for a while yet.



The latest in the new series…

Apparently, when most people are sleeping, I am up at 3 am. And like anyone else, I did what any other good little artist would do when sleep is evasive…I finished off another painting. Still playing around with different aboriginal influences, this one has a lot more details. Maybe lack of sleep. Maybe whole new direction. Still needs some finishing touch ups due to caffeine induced shaky hand lol. Will see what the moose ends up looking like after I get a nap or two in.


And a turtle, and a bird and a moose…

They are done. At least for now. A bit of this style, a bit of another, they seem to compliment the directions I have been taking as of late.

Ghost Spirit-Oil on canvas

Ghost Spirit-Oil on canvas

Spirit Wind-oil on Canvas

Spirit Wind-oil on Canvas

Turtle-Oil on canvas

Turtle-Oil on canvas